


Attestaciya u detei na oranjevye poyasa

Proshedshaya attestaciya na oranjevyi poyas – eto esche odna stupenka vverh dlya nashih detei!  Kajdyi rebenok prodemonstriroval uporstvo, disciplinu i umenie primenyat poluchennye znaniya na praktike. Analiziruya proishodyaschee, deti uchatsya luchshe...

22.12.2024 proshla attestaciya na ocherednye uchenicheskie stepeni (Ku)!

Ocherednuu vysotu vzyali: Shilova Polina - 5 ku Tupicyn Nikita - 5ku Boroshenko Aleksandr - 3 ku Pryadko Polina - 2 ku Kucevol Andrei - 2 ku Nu a pervoe sereznoe ispytanie v aikikarere uspeshno proshli teper...

Novogodnii seminar

V pervye vyhodnye Novogo goda 4-5 yanvarya, Associaciya klubov Aikido Aikikai provela seminar dlya instruktorov. U nas poluchilos:   - Povysit  uroven prepodavaniya  pod rukovodstvom Sihanov :  Zaurbeka Gadjieva i Vladimira Tagirova! - Obsudit organizacionnye...

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Association of Aikido Aikikai Clubs (AAAC)

Association of Aikido Aikikai Clubs (AAAC)  is a result of the collaboration in development of the Aikido Aikikai. This cooperative work started in 1980s and formed by 1990 in Saint-Petersburg  with direct participation of Zaurbek Gadzhiev, Vladimir Tagirov and numerous group of co-thinkers from post-Soviet countries (Belarus, Lithuania, Uzbekistan and Ukraine). Main principles, foundation and training process organization are strictly based on the teachings of Morihei Ueshiba (the founder of Aikido) and his followers. This line is constantly maintained by founding members and AAAC participants.
Nowadays AAAC members are more than 16 dojos and local Aikido Federations. AAAC has Hombu Dojo (the center of Aikido throughout the world) Official Recognition in accordance with rules set forth in the International Regulations of Aikido World Headquarters.


Association of Aikido Aikikai Clubs - official representative of World Centre Aikido Aikikai Hombu Dojo